The labor economist will join Princeton in July next year.
His research spanned areas including labor economics, financial economics and risk management.
Behavioral economist Johannes Haushofer joined the institution this month as Goh Keng Swee Professor of Economics.
Rouse joins the nonprofit from Princeton, where she is a professor in economics and education.
The Princeton economist will serve as president-elect through 2023 and as president in 2024.
The Northwestern economics professor is tasked with driving greater use of behavioral science and experimental design across the agency’s programs.
Tong Liu, Lira Mota and Kerry Siani are among 9 recent hires by the business school.
The micro-economist has been a professorial research fellow at the university since 2017, and was previously a professor at Monash.
Seema Jayachandran takes up a professorship at Princeton after four years at Northwestern.
Ponomarev will join the University of Chicago on July 1 as an assistant professor.